'Entrance' (in a trance) is started from the curiosity of What kind of forces can move our body and how dose body reacts. And by this forced energy body and mind are visiting different states as like struggling, rejecting, abandoning, receiving, accepting ... In this work ,we are trying to visit all kind of different states of mind and physics under the meaning of religion and form of ritual. 'Entrance' or 'en-trance' (in a trance) is a 30 minute solo for dancer Sung-Im Her, directed by Stef Lernous (of the theatre company Abattoir Ferme). The solo combines contemporary dance with elements from the 'abattoir- verse', such as ritual, religion and outsider-art.
공간 어딘가에 한 소녀가 있다. 이 소녀 안 어딘가에 공간이 있다. 이 수평면 안에 존재하는 한 물리적인 힘이 이 소녀 안으로의 출입구를 찾는다. 무엇이 이 소녀를 움직이게 하는지.... 무엇이 우리를 움직이게 하는지 알아보기 위해....